01 October 2008


People must be thinking that I am crazy since I started to plan my next year birthday. Hahaha...

Yes, its HC 21st birthday next year on 21.02.2009. So sad that next year after 21st of February, I will no longer be under age already. Mummy, can I stay at 18 years old forever ar? Sigh...

Had dinner with the HRians yesterday and got to know that Fion is getting married. Congratulations first!!! And her wedding dinnner will be held on 21.02.2009 too. So, I'll be celebrating my 21st birthday on a wedding dinner? Is something different. And Henny and I will be the ''dai kam jie'' that day? Hahaha... Hrmm....will plan this after final with my darlingsss....

Hey Fion, I'll be damn free after my finals and if you need any helper do call me ya. Hrmm, I'll charge you of course. There is no free lunch k... *giggles*

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