01 July 2010

Tea Break @ Delicious

Its Wednesday. Had karaoke session in the morning and off for shopping in Gardens, as well as MidValley. Money value is getting smaller. I didn't realized till I counted that I have spent that much bucks that day. Anyway, I love it!!! I love shopping and spending!!! Hahaha... Gonna continue shop, gossip, high tea and dating till I fall and the new semester starts because I deserve the holidays and I deserve a break for myself.
I had my tea break at Delicious after the long long walk in the shopping centre.
I had Affogato and Charl had her Tall Latte. I seriously indulged in the quiet and peaceful time in Delicious as the restaurant was not so packed that time with only a few tables occupied at that time, with the best buddy spending our sweet time gossiping and joking all the way and laughing our ass off like nobody else. Winks ^^. That's the best time to do this after the long-torturing-month-period. I love that till the max! Give me more more and more.... Date me date me date me... =) I love my HOLIDAYS!!! And this you called enjoy!!!

Cheers =)

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