17 May 2010

Silence is not always consent


I keep quiet does not mean that everything is alright. I'm just trying not to make this worst.

I'm happy that I got the highest mark for my SBM assignment 2. But till I received a text from this fellow saying that ' U r the god...'.
Wtf! I was so pissed off when I saw it. Hello, I'm not your god. I'm not here to help you to complete your work. Get off! Damn shit you.

She totally made my day moody!!!

After thinking over of it again, I shouldn't be so angry. I don't get anything if I gets angry. Not good for health though.

Until this week, I will be done with all assignments this friday.
Guess what, again, when I think of this fellow I gets very angry again. Damn shit!
I'm trying to calm down myself now before I explode.
If I really explode, she will definitely get something ''free'' from me.

People may think why you are so bad ar... I guess that happen to many people just that they don't reveal it and do something secretly behind, which you called SCARY.

I speak out what I think. I don't hide anything. That's who I am. Take me as who i am.

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