Block teaching held on Saturday finished at 3.30pm. I stayed back to wait for Elaine till her class finished at 4.30pm, off we went to 7-11 and had cup mee as our meal. Poor us, we have money to go concert but not for a brunch?! Haha...
Attended the T music festival concert I having been waiting for...All because you're there, that's why I'll be there. :P David Tao, your live is still the same-superb!!! The concert was a blast, it started sharp at 7pm and continued non-stop till 1.50am. Its my first time attending a concert till so late and the singers and audiences were still very ''on'' that night/morning.

Reached home at 2.05am and bathed, wandering around at the living room and read the newspaper. Till I'm done, and when my hair is dried its almost 3a.m. Woo, I felt asleep the moment I lyed on the bed. Woke up at 8.00am this morning to attend the block teaching again. Go0sh, for the first time I fall asleep in the lecture hall man. Its disappointing!!!! The moment I reached home this evening was to sleep!!! I'm really exhausted now. Yawn....its time to bed~~~~~
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