05 March 2009


What's wrong?
Suddenly everything in my mind was messed up...
I've decided to take FIM and now, I feel like dropping this subject. Due to what?
Maybe I've not search for other Australia universities information like the course they are offering before I sign up for year 2 subject.
And everything was like going wrong in a sudden. I couldn't concentrate finish reading the financial article just now as I was thinking about the transferring matters.

What's going on.....

Should I transfer in the second year or the final year after finishing Financial Risk Management at VU first. I have browsed through few universities, I don't find that they offer double major like FRM & Banking and Finance or International Trade.

Wth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gosh........................... Pikachusssssssssssss, help mummy!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way, thanks Yee Fang for the present. Haha.......
I've another 11 Pikachussssssssss for my collection!!!!!!!!!

Shit.........................what can I do now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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