09 January 2009

Should I?

Should I give my number to him?
See lar...itchy hand and heart went and online in Yahoo...
Now, you are in a dilemma.
I don't want because I really want to want to ''get rid'' of you in my life!
But I have no reason why I must give you though. To prove that I have get over from the matter? Nah...
So, I just offline without saying anything. Hahaha....
So, should I give ar...
Should I?
Give la...no big deal. You can choose to block either...
But, LHC you should know yourselves better than anyone elso lo..
I should protect myself...
... No....I won't give!!!!
Sure bo?
Friends only ma...
To avoid anything that can distract your mind to concentrate on your studies...
Don't give lar...
Confirm ??
Think properly before you regret!
msn cannot meh...
Think properly
Confirm? Last chance
Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe i'll change my mind later one...That's pisces!!! ME!!!

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