18 December 2010
Paris of the East
Have been looking back at the tagged photos at this time, 4.09am. And of course I wanna put it here. This was took like 3 months back, and I love this one so muchhh....

18 October 2010
The Second Last
It will be the second last final exams of my degree program in VU and I'm so gonna miss it..
I guess many out there do agree with me that, we prefer rushing for assignments (though it will end up with sleepless nights), instead of working from day till night. Working life can be very bore in times. We can skip class, but we can't skip work! Right??? RIGHT!!!!
Anyway, 2 weeks before the finals and I'm still busying with my last assignment! Arghh..how I wish to get it done soooo soooon so that I can start my revision lah...
I have so many things to study yet so little time left for me. :(
Fyi, I have 2 papers at one day, what more it is an open book exam (doesn't mean its easy). I got to prepare lotsa things lerhh... :(
Anyway, I can do it! I have faith in myself! I'll never give up...
Let's start the countdown and peeps, all the best!
Go go go... :)
Will be back when I'm back :p
30 September 2010

Ya, Iphone 4 has finally launched by the two competing Telcos - Maxis and Digi last week.
I get to try the phone out in one of the Telco's launching event. Seriously, I have been eying on this phone when it was first launch in the States and I thought of getting myself the 4th phone at the end of the year since my phone is kind of 'old' enough to retire. Somehow, my phone is not functioning quite well for the past few weeks and I think that it is signalling that he wants to retire. So, what to do since I can't wait any longer. I actually have a spare phone if I'm not going to get a new phone soon to replace my current half-dead phone but the Iphone 4 is really too tempting. But seriously, I dislike the 24 months contract which I don't really want to be tied up that long because I do plan to further studies in overseas after completing my Degree, which is in not more than 1 year time.
What to do? I have no choice since I don't wanna switch to Maxis and port in to Digi again later which is quite troublesome because my number was registered under Dad's name and there are other 4 other supp lines which I think will definitely be affected if I switch and port in again...It would definitely spoil the current plan.
Ahaha..am not going to bother. I just can't wait to get my 4th phone, which is iphone 4~
06 September 2010
Play safe!
What will you do when you saw a stranger trying to open your house gate? Would you just jump to them and ask who are you? Or would you hide behind and at the same time call the police to come over for help? Would you just shout at them to scare them off? Would you just drive and block their way and ask wth are you doing here...
All these came into my mind for that very moment when I saw this with my eyes this afternoon. No doubt, my legs were shivering. Don't tell people to calm down when they are faced with such situation. That's pretty tough to calm down! Unless you have experienced that so many times or maybe you are a police? Am not making things funny... but what I want to say is that whenever you are in this kind of situation, honk at them, scare them off, no matter how just make sure you must be safe first before you can solve the problems. Robbery or thieves are very much smarter than you expect. That's why they are the ''thieve'' and there will be the victims.
When approaching my house, I saw a Wira (WDA 6957) in gold colour stopped in front of my house and I suspected who is that. As I approach nearer, I saw a guy with his umbrella standing at the gate and trying to open it. I guess his ''gang'' didn't realize that I'm approaching until I honk at them. From the way he dressed up, I'm certainly so confident that this guy is not my brother. Neither my dad's friends. Will you give your friend your house key and ask them to go your house to get something for you? Definitely no right. As it was raining outside and I can't just open the car and shout at him, instead, I honked at him. When he turned and looked at me, he was so steady and walked into the car and I don't see any panic expression on his face! That's the blardy face I ever saw. I feel like poking him now! The driver (there were 2 person sitting in front and I'm not sure if there is still other people behind) then drove off slowly....
(I'm too tired to blog....so, to be continued....)
03 September 2010
I study LAW
Call me a law student. I study law, ok!
Been trying to understand the law books yet I only manage to understand a little of it even though after reading like 20 pages of the book. Flipping through many other books to get a better understanding, yet, law ain't easy. And now I seriously remember why did my ex-lecturer said ''if you're going to read the whole book, you will lose your hair! And I'm the example exactly!'' Hahaha..
Alright, back to the law books! Hopefully can figure what is it about. I surely got to prepare for my law presentation as soon as possible. Because I'm presenting in front of Marc!!!! Good luck to myself. *Praying hard*
18 August 2010
For no reason
Have been thinking over the same thing these days. Why am I doing things for no reason? I'm doing things that I know it won't benefit me at all..
Thinking on the positive side: the kind-hearted me will tell myself, don't ask for any return when you do anything, whether it is to friends, partner or yourself. You will be much better off if you have helped someone. I do I do.
Thinking on the negative side: When I need help, where are all these people? Where are the helpful hands where I wished to see when I'm in the need of help. Not only needing help, but there are many many other things that you will feel upset when you don't see them or when they tend not to place you at a more important position.
I personally think that, I'll do whatever that I can do to help anyone out there, even if it's a stranger. I feel contented after the help. I feel happy when people do say thanks to me, showing that they appreciate that. I offer advise and support to my friends sincerely from my heart when they need my advise/help or my comment, though some people may not take it. In the end, I may be the bad person though, where I've experienced before. And that is where you don't see any return from it but on the other hand these people doing things that annoyed you.
Sometimes, I'm kind of like not understanding why some people can be so ''not geh bo''. (I don't really mean the ''geh bo lar..) And I mean like when I'm asking your opinion, you will never give me any advise but only saying, up to you la; ''Yer, I don't know wo''; ''Har, you better not ask me!''; ''Cincai la... (deep inside their mind they would think non of their business also!).
Sometimes, I just don't understand why people will find me just to get some advise. Like why Pui Yee kept asking me whether she should take CBF or not. In fact, we only get closer like few months ago. Why she is not asking others that she knew and supposed to know that these people know her better than me? I give sincere/better advises than anybody else? I don't think so. Maybe I'm kind of straightforward, that's why I'm targeted. But when I get to listen things from other people of what she has said (obviously things that I never said before and she was like twist and turned what I said), it just made me so pissed off! (I do wonder whether she did misunderstand me or not but most probably not. Because I've been advising and telling her the same thing again and again!!!)
No matter how, the conclusion is that, do whatever you can. Help whoever you want but take the risk of not getting any return!! Only blame yourself if the person annoys you even if you have helped her! Be as not geh bo as possible. Live in the world like people's business is non of my business unless you reasonably think you should help that fellow. If not, be as not geh bo as possible. I wonder whether I can be that or not.
Thinking on the positive side: the kind-hearted me will tell myself, don't ask for any return when you do anything, whether it is to friends, partner or yourself. You will be much better off if you have helped someone. I do I do.
Thinking on the negative side: When I need help, where are all these people? Where are the helpful hands where I wished to see when I'm in the need of help. Not only needing help, but there are many many other things that you will feel upset when you don't see them or when they tend not to place you at a more important position.
I personally think that, I'll do whatever that I can do to help anyone out there, even if it's a stranger. I feel contented after the help. I feel happy when people do say thanks to me, showing that they appreciate that. I offer advise and support to my friends sincerely from my heart when they need my advise/help or my comment, though some people may not take it. In the end, I may be the bad person though, where I've experienced before. And that is where you don't see any return from it but on the other hand these people doing things that annoyed you.
Sometimes, I'm kind of like not understanding why some people can be so ''not geh bo''. (I don't really mean the ''geh bo lar..) And I mean like when I'm asking your opinion, you will never give me any advise but only saying, up to you la; ''Yer, I don't know wo''; ''Har, you better not ask me!''; ''Cincai la... (deep inside their mind they would think non of their business also!).
Sometimes, I just don't understand why people will find me just to get some advise. Like why Pui Yee kept asking me whether she should take CBF or not. In fact, we only get closer like few months ago. Why she is not asking others that she knew and supposed to know that these people know her better than me? I give sincere/better advises than anybody else? I don't think so. Maybe I'm kind of straightforward, that's why I'm targeted. But when I get to listen things from other people of what she has said (obviously things that I never said before and she was like twist and turned what I said), it just made me so pissed off! (I do wonder whether she did misunderstand me or not but most probably not. Because I've been advising and telling her the same thing again and again!!!)
No matter how, the conclusion is that, do whatever you can. Help whoever you want but take the risk of not getting any return!! Only blame yourself if the person annoys you even if you have helped her! Be as not geh bo as possible. Live in the world like people's business is non of my business unless you reasonably think you should help that fellow. If not, be as not geh bo as possible. I wonder whether I can be that or not.
10 August 2010
What can I do?
I'm soooo undecided. After the trip to Penang, I thought I'd at least have some idea about my surgery but I'm left to be so pointless until now. I'm like in nowhere. I just don't know how to make any decision now. I'm afraid of making decision.
I wonder, what will be the road not taken? Am I going to be much happier with the road not taken? Or I have chosen the right road?
I skipped the early class the next day when I was back from Penang, however, I attended the afternoon's class. When I was driving to campus, ah ma and ah gong came into my mind and all of the memories of ah ma and ah gong flashed through, non-stop. I burst into tears in my car. I seriously want them to be with me at this time and at least support whatever decisions if I were to make. I really hope that they could appear maybe in a medium or maybe in my dreams just to give me some moral support. I miss them badly. I have sooo many things to tell them, to share with them, especially my results in Uni. I'm missing them so so so much....
I don't wanna think about the road not taken but I just can't do so....
Ah ma & ah gong, can your hear me??
I missed your soooooo muccchhhh. Can your tell me what to do, please....................
21 July 2010
Its 2.15am. I think I'm going to skip tomorrow 8.30am class. I know I am bad for skipping the class in Week 1 already. Haha. Am going to get my passport things done tomorrow. By the way, if I attend tomorrow's class, i will have a super-long-and-boring-6 hours-break! This semester's timetable is sucky..
But, did I mention that even the first 2 lectures for this darn early class, I was late also. To cut the long story short, I'm not used to the early time (I went to coll in this time in Semester 1 only) and going to college early at peak hours like this, the definite thing is: traffic jam!!!! And suddenly it made me recall of YeeFang famous words when attending such early classes: TRAFFIC JAM!!. Whenever there is a late class or early class, for sure he will say ''TRAFFIC JAM AR..''. Anyway, he escaped from this since he is now in Melbourne. Hoohoo...but not for me! :(
I've started to plan for my future (the near future after graduate, not the 20 years later one. lol). I intend to continue my studies at the Masters level but am still browsing through the list of universities in UK and Aussie. My initial plan was to continue to do something in Financial Planning/Wealth Management or things like Risk Management. It seems that many Aussie universities do offer them but not for the UK universities. Maybe it is uncommon in UK. (That's why I'm in VU??) I shall call up my agent to get me some ideas. I'm not so into looking into the universities' websites one by one and compare them. I prefer looking on papers/brochures!!!
However, as planned, I shall start my working right after graduate. Perhaps to build a better path when doing my Masters and also after the completion. Still, I want to be a CFP! ;)
On the other hand, should I go for Internship during the coming summer? HY text me that there is vacancy for me (smiling). See, I am on demand wei~~!!! Internship pay is very low and that's the reason that changes my mind to go for Intern. And, as a HR-ian, I usually get to know what Intern does. Interns are nothing but assistant in all position (cum this cum that). They can be photocopying this and that for this fellow and that fellow, make coffee, clerical work, clearing outstanding works for others, etc. And for sure that they hardly get in touch with what they intended to do (or supposed to be done as an Intern). So, what for? Erm..but I'm kinda bored with the HR works la, unless HY lets me do the payroll then I'll be much more interested.
Stop here. Got to sleep soon as I got to take pics for my passport photos tomorrow. I don't want a smile face but with swollen eyes.
Good night and sweet dreams.
15 July 2010
I dislike the big C in my results statement. I hate the C!! :(
No more C in the coming 7 subjects!!!!
14 July 2010
Waka Waka
Waka Waka, Spain, the Champion of World Cup 2010.
I'm still having football fever. I can't sleep at midnight now and I'm wide awake during the usual time when the football match is showing : 2.30am-5.00am.
Haiyoyo...Got to arrange my bedtime properly soon because holidays will end soon and new semester STARTS!!! Gosh, gonna start Semester 5 la wei...am getting older already. I can't believe that. Bring me back to my high school times and let everything start all over??!! Dreaming lar..I know its impossible.
So..holidays end then stop splurging around. I can't believe till I counter checked the receipts I had for the past 2 weeks, that's crazy LHC!!! Daddy will kill me when he saw the credit card statement again!! :(
Anyway, who cares!I love SHOPPING!!! Waka Waka
07 July 2010
I'm lovin it
I'm enjoying my holidays till the max.
High tea time, I loved it so much with the companion of the primary school magazine and the buddy with me =) Charl dear, bear with it okay!! I missed those old days so so much wei.... ;)
I enjoyed watching football matches. Somehow, am not so motivated now because my dear Argentina has made their way back to their home. Bubye Messi!! Will continue to support you in Barcelona.Netherlands made their way to the Finale. Isshh....Hopefully Germany can beat Netherlands and I shall say bubye to Netherlands lol...
Have a thought of rewarding myself. What else better than getting myself something and occupy my wardrobe. Hehehe.... I've been eyeing on Longchamp bags and DKNY bags. Did glance other designer bags but nothing catches my eyes.
Anyway, these are the picas I had with me for some recent outings.

6 July 2010 @ SR
I was totally in the old school mag world. Had 4 hours with it and can't take my eyes off it. I missed my school life so so so mucchh.... ILoveCKS!
High tea time, I loved it so much with the companion of the primary school magazine and the buddy with me =) Charl dear, bear with it okay!! I missed those old days so so much wei.... ;)
I enjoyed watching football matches. Somehow, am not so motivated now because my dear Argentina has made their way back to their home. Bubye Messi!! Will continue to support you in Barcelona.
Have a thought of rewarding myself. What else better than getting myself something and occupy my wardrobe. Hehehe.... I've been eyeing on Longchamp bags and DKNY bags. Did glance other designer bags but nothing catches my eyes.
Anyway, these are the picas I had with me for some recent outings.

I was totally in the old school mag world. Had 4 hours with it and can't take my eyes off it. I missed my school life so so so mucchh.... ILoveCKS!
06 July 2010
Gone already
Am so sad that Brazil and Argentina lost their game in the semi final match. Gosh...What's next....
Don't tell me Germany will lose the game next....
What happen to the South Africa FIFA World Cup this year??!! Am expecting the 2014 Brazil World Cup and hopefully, the good team like Italy, France, Argentina and Brazil will find their ways into the semi finals.
I never know that I can be so into the football matches till this South Africa World Cup started. Though I was having exam when they started the groups matches but still I spared some time to watch the highlights and just after exam ended I never missed any matched and even stayed till late nights. OMG! LHC is now a football fans man. And I'm gonna make this wish that I can watch the football match in live, I don't mean those live broadcast on TV but at the stadium!!!! God, grant my wish please. =)
02 July 2010
Love Quote ♥
I never see you
But I feel you
I never speak to you
But I hear you
I never know you
But I love you
01 July 2010
Tea Break @ Delicious
Its Wednesday. Had karaoke session in the morning and off for shopping in Gardens, as well as MidValley. Money value is getting smaller. I didn't realized till I counted that I have spent that much bucks that day. Anyway, I love it!!! I love shopping and spending!!! Hahaha... Gonna continue shop, gossip, high tea and dating till I fall and the new semester starts because I deserve the holidays and I deserve a break for myself.
I had my tea break at Delicious after the long long walk in the shopping centre.
I had Affogato and Charl had her Tall Latte. I seriously indulged in the quiet and peaceful time in Delicious as the restaurant was not so packed that time with only a few tables occupied at that time, with the best buddy spending our sweet time gossiping and joking all the way and laughing our ass off like nobody else. Winks ^^. That's the best time to do this after the long-torturing-month-period. I love that till the max! Give me more more and more.... Date me date me date me... =) I love my HOLIDAYS!!! And this you called enjoy!!!
Cheers =)
29 June 2010
Err..Raining :(
Its RAINING right now...
Grrr.... I guess every driver hates this situation where you just sent your HERO car for car wash and it rains after that... :-(
Its even thundering. Sigh, shouldn't send my HERO for car wash just now.... :-(
26 June 2010
DONE with Semester 4
24 June 2010, 12.15pm. Unofficially I'm done with my Semester 4 of my university life.
Looking back the days I had in the University, it was kind of simple yet not so contented.
I'm looking forward myself to perhaps be more active, either in academics or non-academic.
Feel like doing something more meaningful, like charity activities. Well, I know I've been saying this for quite some time and I did nothing until now. My reason was, where to find or join this activities ar? Hahaha
24 June 2010. Headed to Gardens with friends for movie and PY's birthday celebration as planned earlier in the university but ended up only celebration and lepak-ing around gardens and midvalley with no direction at all. Everyone was tired after the one month long exam period. Finally, we shout for holidays... Woohoo....
I have many plans and hopefully can have time to finish all them and make full use of my, MY OWN holiday. :-D
19 May 2010
New Love - Need You Now
Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor
Reachin' for the phone 'cause I can't fight it anymore
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time
It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now
Another shot of whiskey can't stop looking at the door
Wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time
It's a quarter after one, I'm a little drunk and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now
Woah woaaah.
Guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothin' at all
It's a quarter after one I'm all alone and I need you now
And I said I wouldn't call but I'm a little drunk and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now
I just need you now (wait)
Ooo, baby, I need you now
Reachin' for the phone 'cause I can't fight it anymore
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time
It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now
Another shot of whiskey can't stop looking at the door
Wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time
It's a quarter after one, I'm a little drunk and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now
Woah woaaah.
Guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothin' at all
It's a quarter after one I'm all alone and I need you now
And I said I wouldn't call but I'm a little drunk and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now
I just need you now (wait)
Ooo, baby, I need you now
17 May 2010
Silence is not always consent
I keep quiet does not mean that everything is alright. I'm just trying not to make this worst.
I'm happy that I got the highest mark for my SBM assignment 2. But till I received a text from this fellow saying that ' U r the god...'.
Wtf! I was so pissed off when I saw it. Hello, I'm not your god. I'm not here to help you to complete your work. Get off! Damn shit you.
She totally made my day moody!!!
After thinking over of it again, I shouldn't be so angry. I don't get anything if I gets angry. Not good for health though.
Until this week, I will be done with all assignments this friday.
Guess what, again, when I think of this fellow I gets very angry again. Damn shit!
I'm trying to calm down myself now before I explode.
If I really explode, she will definitely get something ''free'' from me.
People may think why you are so bad ar... I guess that happen to many people just that they don't reveal it and do something secretly behind, which you called SCARY.
I speak out what I think. I don't hide anything. That's who I am. Take me as who i am.
02 May 2010
I need that...
Owh...I need that..
I need a marathon karaoke with my darlings so much.
Was listening the lists of songs and singing along though...
I miss the old times so much...I love singing the old songs with my darlings where we used to sing when we were back in school life...
Time flies...
Trying to flashback the good old times and I really miss it so so much....
By the way, I found this last week when I was browsing thru the variety of jelly cakes for ChengYew's birthday. I just can't take my eyes off it..That's so cute right?
Can I say I want this too...Haha..

Good night :)
27 April 2010
4 more to go
Well. Its now 2.30am.. I am still awake.
Have just done with the last calculation for my ipm assignment and left with the interpretation part. Hehe...
Its Week 9 of the semester. There is so much more to be done...........Gambateh!
1. And got to really start SBM assignment this week though its due in week 12.
2. For the PFP assignment, sigh. The client really disappointed me! He promised me to help me in the questionnaire but ended up I got to crack my head now again to find another client. You shouldn't have promised me since you know that you can do it right. Wasting my time to wait for the reply and now I got to rush with it. Anyway, its okay!
3. CL assignment draft was done, but its real messy. Will need to re-arrange the sequences and get more articles to touch up.
4. Final report/interpretation for IPM.
Start the CL revision and prepare notes.
26 April 2010
Distress Hours OVER
After the distress hours on Friday, am supposed to continue with my assignments on Saturday but I slept for the whole day. OMGG... I was suffering from backbone pain, wondering is it because of the karaoke sofa in Redbox that made me suffered.
Then spent whole Sunday in uncle house to celebrate Cheng Yew's birthday. Early morning headed to Ikano to get the jelly cake then off to uncle house....chit chat, laughing, singing, chasing and ended up reached home at 6pm. I just fall asleep when I reached home. And, I forced myself to continue with my Law assignment, hence, done with ONLY one paragraph. Sigh...the law words are not easy to understand..Anyway, will continue tomorrow...
Oh god............finals are around.......... Buck up buck up buck up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then spent whole Sunday in uncle house to celebrate Cheng Yew's birthday. Early morning headed to Ikano to get the jelly cake then off to uncle house....chit chat, laughing, singing, chasing and ended up reached home at 6pm. I just fall asleep when I reached home. And, I forced myself to continue with my Law assignment, hence, done with ONLY one paragraph. Sigh...the law words are not easy to understand..Anyway, will continue tomorrow...
Oh god............finals are around.......... Buck up buck up buck up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20 April 2010
Have no idea what to say.
If you can't do it then don't promise!
Whether you set yourself a deadline or I gave you it, nothing was done!!!
All SHIT!!!!
Damn it!!!!
Have no idea what to say.
If you can't do it then don't promise!
Whether you set yourself a deadline or I gave you it, nothing was done!!!
All SHIT!!!!
Damn it!!!!
15 April 2010
I am really having a bad headache. I don't really think its mainly about the assignments and tests due dates. I am okay with the due dates. I can cope with it.
What makes me so headache? My group members. My friend and I have been facing the same problem, we are mad with our group members. We thought to change our members but it seems that if we are to change, we will be in trouble. It sounds like our members are gangster, no, they weren't. But you know, gossips and rumours are always humans part time job. Sigh. What to do. I chosen her, but decided to ''divorce'' her in assignment 2 but failed after discussing with my friend. Now, I seriously think that we shouldn't have started to group together since the first assignment and now I have 2 more to go with her. I'm currently doing the whole assignment 2, not expecting anything from her at all because seriously, I have no confidence on her works and she always has her reason to tell me that she has no computer, therefore, no works are done on time.
How can I 'divorce' her now?
I don't really feel like bothering people's thinking, as long as I'm doing well in my works right. Am I right?
Am I selfish? No, I guess not at all right, I am sure there are people who think it in this way to. I think of her consequences too before I really wanna leave her, but has she thought of me before?????
Gerammmmmm..............I can feel my head is very heavy and pain now.
Guess I can't sleep well tonight again, not because of her though. I have been suffering from insomnia this few days.
What makes me so headache? My group members. My friend and I have been facing the same problem, we are mad with our group members. We thought to change our members but it seems that if we are to change, we will be in trouble. It sounds like our members are gangster, no, they weren't. But you know, gossips and rumours are always humans part time job. Sigh. What to do. I chosen her, but decided to ''divorce'' her in assignment 2 but failed after discussing with my friend. Now, I seriously think that we shouldn't have started to group together since the first assignment and now I have 2 more to go with her. I'm currently doing the whole assignment 2, not expecting anything from her at all because seriously, I have no confidence on her works and she always has her reason to tell me that she has no computer, therefore, no works are done on time.
How can I 'divorce' her now?
I don't really feel like bothering people's thinking, as long as I'm doing well in my works right. Am I right?
Am I selfish? No, I guess not at all right, I am sure there are people who think it in this way to. I think of her consequences too before I really wanna leave her, but has she thought of me before?????
Gerammmmmm..............I can feel my head is very heavy and pain now.
Guess I can't sleep well tonight again, not because of her though. I have been suffering from insomnia this few days.
10 April 2010
Another Friday
Its another Friday.
Have been spending times with the assignments, though not all completely as planned, but at least I kicked start them and roughly know how to continue with it.
Oh gosh, Easter break ends then. Will have Corporate Law test after the break. Good luck then!
Was super emo this afternoon. Around 3.00pm, I was very hungry but lazy to cook neither drive out to buy food. After starving for almostan hour, I just can't stand it anymore, because I am stressed out and I feel like crying. I know that I would burst into tears if I don't get away from my assignment and step out from the house. Without hesitation plus it was already thundering that time, I hit on the car and vroom, drove to the Batu5 and had the prawn mee.
I realized that I'm abit lost nowadays. I need some motivation and hugs, please :(
Its late. Nights.
Have been spending times with the assignments, though not all completely as planned, but at least I kicked start them and roughly know how to continue with it.
Oh gosh, Easter break ends then. Will have Corporate Law test after the break. Good luck then!
Was super emo this afternoon. Around 3.00pm, I was very hungry but lazy to cook neither drive out to buy food. After starving for almostan hour, I just can't stand it anymore, because I am stressed out and I feel like crying. I know that I would burst into tears if I don't get away from my assignment and step out from the house. Without hesitation plus it was already thundering that time, I hit on the car and vroom, drove to the Batu5 and had the prawn mee.
I realized that I'm abit lost nowadays. I need some motivation and hugs, please :(
Its late. Nights.
06 April 2010
Corporate Law
Have been with the Law books with me since this afternoon, trying very hard to draft the essay but i just can't get any idea. Sigh sigh sigh........
Non-executive directors role? Chairman role in relation to corporate governance.... Oh no, please, give me some idea.
Feel like crying when I have totally no idea to write the essay because it reminds me of my Taxation Law assignment I did last year.
I got to get the draft done as soon as possible, by tomorrow. I don't want last minute work. Its terrible and horrible I would say. I would never want to experience it ANYMORE!!!! NO WAY~~~~~~~~~~~~
Pray hard.
As usual, HC will never give up. GoGoGoGo
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